CBD Store near Moosic, PA

If you have never heard of CBD and its many uses in consumer health products today, don’t worry. CBD, or cannabidiol, is hugely popular now. With that kind of public exposure comes education in CBD and all its incredible benefits for human health.

Sometimes, all you need is some time to browse the many CBD products on the market to discover which might be of greatest interest to you. CBD interacts with receptors in the brain to affect the body in ways that other substances cannot. The nature of these interactions are not completely clear, but we know CBD can reduce inflammation, pain, anxiety, and much more.

CBDintact is a CBD store near Moosic, PA, that offers a complete line of CBD products, such as pain cream, skincare lotions, oral dissolvable tablets, full-spectrum oils, and more. We offer free delivery within 15 miles of our location in Dunmore!

Learn more about us and our product line below.

Types of Products We Offer

At CBDintact, we think that one of CBD’s most fascinating aspects is how versatile it is. The extract can be used in so many forms that it allows stores like us to get it to people in whatever way works for them.

We know our customers appreciate that diversity. With that said, let’s look at some of the CBD products our Moosic customers can order from us.

CBD Skin Care

Everybody wants to have smooth, healthy, moisturized skin. We carry multiple CBD skincare products for just that. For instance, our CBD Dead Sea mud mask uses Dead Sea salt, Vulcanus Kaolin, and all kinds of minerals to remove dirt, oils, and dead cells from the skin. The result is skin that appears revitalized and younger.

Meanwhile, our Facial Toner tightens up skin pores so that less oil comes through. This will leave your face fresher and cleaner. Browse all of our CBD skin products to find the best one for you.

CBD Capsules

Next up, we have CBD capsules. The versatility of CBD shines through again here. Our Sleep - Melatonin capsules can help you get a good night’s sleep if you take one or two before bed.

Then, we offer three dosage sizes of full-spectrum CBD capsules (750mg, 1500mg, and 2250 mg). These are easy to take during the day as needed, as CBD is known to relieve symptoms relating to stress, anxiety, and so much more.

CBD for Pets

Lastly, we want to highlight our CBD products for pets. Yes, we know CBD can help our furry friends, as well. That’s why we carry products such as our CBD pet treats. These calm your pet, help to reduce pain, and, most importantly, taste great to them!

Then, we have the THC-free CBD oil droppers, which come in a variety of sizes. This oil is perfectly safe for pets. It has been shown to reduce pain and increase energy. You just use the dropper to apply the oil on your pet’s face, and watch the results!

Shop Our CBD Store near Moosic, PA

You find a lot of CBD out there today, but now the people of Northeast Pennsylvania have their very own CBD supplier. If you’re close by, you can shop at our CBD store near Moosic, PA, and get free delivery within 15 miles!

Browse all our CBD products now, and we know you’ll find the perfect one for you.